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Email parsing is crucial as it enables us to extract essential information from an email without the need to read it manually. By utilizing Ruby and ChatGPT, we can construct an application that facilitates parsing information from any email in our mailbox.
By the way, this blog post has been proofread by ChatGPT.
If you already have the Nylas Ruby SDK installed and your Ruby environment configured, feel free to proceed with the blog.
Otherwise, I recommend reading the on How to Send Emails with the Nylas Ruby SDK where the basic setup is clearly explained.
There’s no denying that ChatGPT is a powerful tool for a wide range of programming problems. However, ChatGPT hasn’t always been available, so how did we handle parsing before its advent? One option that comes to mind is Regular Expressions.
Consider the following message:
Hey! I've been asking you for things for my gym, but I completely forgot to send you my contact information. Cellphone: (102) 456-234-1934 Address: 1010 Saddle Horn Ct, Augusta, Georgia. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Terry "Hulk" Hogan. Hulk's Gym Owner.
And suppose we want to extract crucial pieces of information. We could achieve this as follows:
email = <<~EMAIL Hey! I've been asking you for things for my gym, but I completely forgot to send you my contact information. Cellphone: (102) 456-234-1934 Address: 1010 Saddle Horn Ct, Augusta, Georgia. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Terry "Hulk" Hogan. Hulk's Gym Owner. EMAIL contact_info = {} # Extract cellphone number cellphone_regex = /Cellphone:\s*(\(\d{3}\)\s*\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4})/ match = cellphone_regex.match(email) contact_info[:cellphone] = match[1] if match # Extract address address_regex = /Address:\s*([\w\s\d]+),\s*([\w\s]+), \s*([\w\s]+)\./ match = address_regex.match(email) contact_info[:address] = "#{match[1]}, #{match[2]}" if match puts contact_info
When we run this, it’s going to return the following:
{:cellphone=>"(102) 456-234-1934", :address=>"1010 Saddle Horn Ct, Augusta"}
We could certainly enhance it further and extract more information, but that would be time-consuming and specific to that particular example. If the email structure varies, our entire source code would need to change.
Therefore, while possible, using Regular Expressions for this type of application might not be the optimal approach, especially if we lack a method to ‘generate’ code for each unique example.
Our application will be kept simple, as our primary focus is on the parsing functionality:
Our application will showcase the first five emails in our mailbox. Subsequently, we can select any of them and display the parsed information:
And what if we don’t select any email? The application will notify us accordingly:
As we aim to develop a web application, our optimal choice is to leverage Flask, one of the most popular micro-frameworks in the Python world:
$ gem install sinatra $ gem install webrick
Also, we need to install the OpenAI Ruby gem:
$ gem install ruby-openai
Once installed, we’re ready to go.
First, we need to have a ChatGTP account and then create our API keys:
After creating the key, ensure to store it securely, as it cannot be recovered. You can take advantage of your .env file to store it there.
Initially, let’s create a folder named Parse_Email, and within it, establish a folder named views.
Now, create a file named Parse_Email.rb with the following source code:
# frozen_string_literal: true # Import your dependencies require 'sinatra' require 'dotenv/load' require 'nylas' require 'date' require 'ruby/openai' require 'json' # Initialize your Nylas API client nylas = Nylas::API.new( app_id: ENV["CLIENT_ID"], app_secret: ENV["CLIENT_SECRET"], access_token: ENV["ACCESS_TOKEN"] ) # Configure our OpenAI client OpenAI.configure do |config| config.access_token = ENV["OPENAI_TOKEN"] end # Create the actual OpenAI client client = OpenAI::Client.new # Select the first 5 emails from our mailbox emails = nylas.messages.limit(5).where(in: 'CRM') # Display the emails get '/' do erb :main, layout: :layout, locals: {emails: emails} end post '/' do # Get the email id as a parameter if params[:email_id] != nil # Using the email, retrieve the body of the message message = nylas.messages.find(params[:email_id]) # Clean the body using some Regular Expressions body = message.body.gsub(/\n/," "). gsub(/<style>.+<\/style>/," "). gsub(/<("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">])*>/," "). gsub(/.email-content\{.+\}/," "). gsub(/ /, " "). gsub(/.s/, " "). gsub(/^\s+|\s+$\/g/, "") else body = "" end # Create the ChatGPT prompt text = """ You are an email parser receiving an email. You need to parse the information as json. You don't need to show the code, just return the result and call it Result. Also, return an array with the json keys. Here's the email: #{body} """ # Call the ChatGPT client response = client.chat( parameters: { model: "gpt-4", messages: [{ role: "system", content: """#{text}"""}], temperature: 0, }) # Read the ChatGPT response full_response = response.dig("choices", 0, "message", "content").split("\n") response_line = "" # And make it a single line full_response.each do |line| response_line += line.strip end line_matches = "" # We want everything that goes inside brackets # and these are the parsed keys matches = response_line.scan(/\[(.*?)\]/) matches.flatten.each do |match| line_matches += match end # Replace "" with an space line_matches = line_matches.gsub('"', '') # Split into an array array = line_matches.split(',') # Make sure there are not extra spaces array.each do |line| line.strip! end # If we have an email id to analyze if params[:email_id] != nil # Get everything that goes inside curly brackets result = result = response_line.match("\{([^}]*)\}") # And turn it into a JSON object json_object = JSON.parse("#{result}") # This will hold the keys and results emails_array = [] # Create a line with each key and result # Eg. Name: Blag # Location: Ottawa array.each do |line| emails_array.push("<b>" + line + "</b>: " + json_object[line]) end else # No email was selected...nothing to do here... emails_array = [] emails_array.push("<b>No emails were selected</b>") end # Call the parsed page and display the keys and results erb :parsed, layout: :layout, locals: {emails_array: emails_array} end
Inside the views folder, we need to create 3 different files, let’s start with layout.erb:
<html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> <title>Email Parser</title> </head> <body> <%= yield %> </body> </html>
Then main.erb:
<div class="bg-[#315acb] border-green-600 border-b p-4 m-4 rounded grid place-items-center"> <p class="text-4xl">Email Parser</p> <br> <form method="post"> <% emails.each do |email| %> <input type="radio" name="email_id" id="email_id" value=<%= email.id %>> <label for="email_id" class="font-bold"><%= email.subject %></label><br> <%end %> <br> <button type="submit" class="block bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white text-lg mx-auto py-2 px-4 rounded-full">Submit</button> </form> </div>
Finally, parsed.erb:
<div class="bg-[#315acb] border-green-600 border-b p-4 m-4 rounded grid place-items-center"> <% emails_array.each do |email| %> <p><%= email %></p> <% end %> <br> <a href="/" class="block bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white text-lg mx-auto py-2 px-4 rounded-full"><b>Go back</b></a> </div>
And that’s it.
To execute our application, simply type the following command in the terminal window:
$ ruby Parse_Email.rb
Our application will be active on port 4567 of localhost. Simply open your favourite browser and navigate to the following address:
By combining Ruby, Nylas and ChatGPT, we were able to create an Email Parsing application is a few lines of code.
You can sign up Nylas for free and start building!
If you want to learn more about Emails, go to our documentation.
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Blag aka Alvaro Tejada Galindo is a Senior Developer Advocate at Nylas. He loves learning about programming and sharing knowledge with the community. When he’s not coding, he’s spending time with his wife, daughter and son. He loves Punk Music and reading all sorts of books.