Educational technology

Be the all-in-one EdTech solution with reliable email and scheduling in your platform

Simplify student communications and scheduling for your network of educators with a unified API to power native email and calendar capabilities in your learning management system (LMS).

Schedule a demo with a Nylas specialist to learn how to:
  • Centralize student & teacher email communication in your platform.
  • Implement real-time, bi-directional calendar capabilities for seamless scheduling with tutors, coaches, teachers, or admins.
  • Give developers access to scalable APIs, and avoid the hassle and expense of building and maintaining complex integrations.

Schedule a demo

Transform your EdTech platform into a collaborative learning hub

Stop the back-and-forth of scheduling and emailing outside of your EdTech platform with real-time email, calendar, and contacts APIs.


Connect students & educators fast

Maximize attendance & engagement by building frictionless calendar views and automated scheduling workflows directly in your application, and offer tools for dynamic rescheduling.


Centralize educator-student communication

Make it easy for educators to send updates and feedback – no more hunting through the inbox for that one message or attachment. Keep classwork communications in one spot.


Protecting educator-student data and privacy

Offer robust data encryption and compliance with industry-standard privacy regulations, ensuring that all communications and scheduling information are securely managed.

Create easy, collaborative experiences
for educators and students

60% of teachers say they don’t have control over their schedules – remove barriers to scheduling and reduce inefficient communications with an easy scheduling solution that can look as simple this:

Empower users to connect their calendars and ease session scheduling

40% of teachers report burnout – lighten the workload with automations that reduce inefficient communication and unlock capacity for educators to deliver lessons.

Streamline scheduling and calendar integration

Centralize email communications

Automate notifications and reminders

Enhance data privacy and security

Personalized learning experience

Feedback collection and follow-ups

Coordinating schedules between tutors, coaches & learners is time-consuming and error-prone.

Managing communication with learners & educators is overwhelming and disorganized.

Students & educators forget about scheduled sessions, leading to missed sessions & low satisfaction.

Handling sensitive information requires significant investment in compliance & security.

Traditional models may not address the unique needs, interests, & strengths of each student.

Collecting feedback & conducting follow-ups to improve learning is often overlooked.

How an EdTech product leveraged Nylas to automated scheduling

“With Nylas, we revolutionized how we handle scheduling and email communications, which was a game-changer for our product’s usability and effectiveness,” states the Director of Product. 


“Integrating Nylas allowed us to tackle our biggest challenges effortlessly, making the entire process more intuitive for our users, enhancing user retention and platform engagement.”

Director of Product at EdTech company

Leveraging Nylas, the product achieved remarkable advancements in its platform’s functionality and user experience. They were able to:

  • Cut no-show rates by 40% thanks to an effective automated reminder system, markedly improving their bottom line.
  • Streamlined the scheduling process, enabling effortless matching of tutor and learner availability.
  • Saved substantial developer resources and accelerated feature launches
Trusted by over 250,000 developers worldwide

Ready to start building?

Discover the power of the Nylas platform and connect up to 5 accounts for free.

Frequently asked questions

Need more help? Let’s talk!

Why is Nylas better than building email, calendar, and contacts integrations ourselves?

Choosing to build with Nylas instead of building in-house significantly reduces development and maintenance time, improving resource allocation and operational efficiency. Nylas’ developer-friendly APIs enable you to connect to every major service provider (Google, Microsoft, IMAP, and more); allowing engineers to easily build and maintain email and calendar functionalities, which are essential for facilitating communication and scheduling within educational environments. 

By leveraging Nylas, EdTech platforms can focus their resources on enhancing core educational features and improving user experiences, resulting in a more competitive and effective learning platform.

When would I use Nylas vs. a transactional email service like Sendgrid?

When building tools for education, it’s super important to pick the right way for everyone to talk to each other. It’s like choosing between Nylas and SendGrid (which is now a part of Twilio) based on what you need your app to do. If you want teachers and students to easily check and send emails without leaving your educational app, Nylas is your go-to. It’s like having a mini email app inside your bigger app, making it easy for everyone to stay on top of their messages without getting distracted.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to send lots of emails at once, like newsletters, reminders for payments, or updates about your app, then Twilio is probably what you need.

What use cases can Nylas power within our applications for our users (students, teachers, tutors, etc.)?

Nylas empowers students and educators with real-time calendar availability, automated notifications and reminders, and centralized email communication, enhancing productivity and user engagement in your EdTech platform. 

How can Nylas empower the AI features within our product?

Nylas enhances AI features in your product by streamlining data extraction from emails and calendars, ensuring efficient, relevant data retrieval and secure handling with robust compliance standards. This aids in refining AI elements like chatbots, making them more human-like and efficient, thus freeing up educators for more complex tasks in your edtech platform.