Voice-activated emailing: A guide to using ChatGPT and speech recognition to send emails

Voice-activated emailing: A guide to using ChatGPT and speech recognition to send emails

12 min read

We have covered many ways to send emails using the Nylas SDKs and Nylas APIs. So what makes this blog post unique? In this blog post, we build a desktop application using DearPyGUI that takes inputs using our voice to draft emails using ChatGPT. We can do everything by hand or ask our voice assistant to help us, so we will use Amazon Polly to hear the assistant’s prompts.

Is your system ready?

Continue with the blog if you already have the Nylas Python SDK installed and your Python environment configured.

Otherwise, I recommend reading the post How to Send Emails with the Nylas Python SDK where the basic setup is clearly explained.

What are we going to talk about?

  • What our application UI will look like
  • Creating a ChatGPT account
  • Installing the required packages
  • Creating our DearPyGUI Desktop application
  • Running our Desktop application
  • What’s next?

What our desktop application UI will look like

When we start the application, we are presented with space to input the email address, title and body of the email:

Email Wizard Desktop app with a button to use your voice and chatgpt to generate the email

For the contacts, we get a drop-down menu with the number of contacts that we specified in the source code:

Choose contacts

We also have the Send and Cancel buttons in the bottom left of the screen, to either send an email or just clear up all fields:

Write the title and body of the email

After we hit send, we will get a notification that our email was sent successfully:

Send the email

And we can check that in our mailbox:

Check your mailbox

Now we went over sending emails manually using our keyboard and mouse. In this blog, we cannot demo the application sending and receiving voice to generate an email using ChatGPT. You can check out our LiveStream at the end of the blog post.

At least, we can show you a screen of ChatGPT drafting our email:

Using your voice and chatgpt to generate the email

Creating a ChatGPT Account

First, we need to have a ChatGTP account and then we need to create our API keys:

OpenAI API Keys

Once the key has been created, store it safely and not publicly, so we can take advantage of our .env file and store it there.

Installing the required packages

As we’re going to create a desktop application that uses voice recognition, text to speech and ChatGPT, there are some packages that we need to install:

$ pip3 install dearpygui # Powerful Graphical Unit Interface Toolkit for Python
$ pip3 install openai # Access to the OpenAI APIs
$ pip3 install speech_recognition # Library for speech recognition
$ pip3 install boto3 # AWS SDK library for Python
$ pip3 install jellyfish # Library for approximate and phonetic matching
$ pip3 install playsound # Library to play sound files

Creating our DearPyGui Desktop application

First, we’re going to create a folder called Email_Assistant,  with a subfolder called fonts.

We will download the Roboto Font Family, and move the file Roboto-Regular.tff into the fonts folder.

Let’s create a file called email_assistant.py in the root folder and we will divide the source into more digestible chunks:

Begin by loading our environment variables, dependencies and global variables:

# Load your env variables
from dotenv import load_dotenv

# Import your dependencies
import dearpygui.dearpygui as dpg
from nylas import APIClient
import os
import re
import openai
import speech_recognition as sr
import boto3
import time
import jellyfish
import textwrap
from playsound import playsound

# Some global variables
emails = []
title = ""
signature = "\n\nBlag aka Alvaro Tejada Galindo\n Senior Developer Advocate, Nylas"
names_list = {'name': ""}
email_list = {'email': ""}
contacts_limit = 10
openai.api_key = os.environ.get("OPEN_AI")

We can continue with functions used to work with speech recognition and text-to-speech:

# Play the audio we recorded with text-to-speech
def play_audio(audio_file):

# Pass the text and generate the text-to-speech as a file
def synthesize_speech(text, output_filename):
    polly = boto3.client('polly', region_name='us-west-2')
    response = polly.synthesize_speech(

    with open(output_filename, 'wb') as f:

# Use speech recognition to get input from the microphone
# And return the input as text
def record_input(output_filename = ""):
    with sr.Microphone() as source:
        recognizer = sr.Recognizer()
        source.pause_threshold = 1
        audio = recognizer.listen(source, phrase_time_limit = None, timeout = None)
            transcription = recognizer.recognize_google(audio)
            transcription = ""
            synthesize_speech("Sorry, I didn't get that. Please start again.", 'response.mp3')
    return transcription

# Grab the audio input and produce text
def transcribe_audio_to_text(filename):
    recogizer = sr.Recognizer()
    with sr.AudioFile(filename) as source:
        audio = recogizer.record(source) 
        return recogizer.recognize_google(audio)
        speak_text("There was an error")

We can continue with DearPyGUI functions that allow to create the context, present a popup window and close it:

# To define the color of the buttons
def _hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v):
    if s == 0.0: return (v, v, v)
    i = int(h*6.) # XXX assume int() truncates!
    f = (h*6.)-i; p,q,t = v*(1.-s), v*(1.-s*f), v*(1.-s*(1.-f)); i%=6
    if i == 0: return (255*v, 255*t, 255*p)
    if i == 1: return (255*q, 255*v, 255*p)
    if i == 2: return (255*p, 255*v, 255*t)
    if i == 3: return (255*p, 255*q, 255*v)
    if i == 4: return (255*t, 255*p, 255*v)
    if i == 5: return (255*v, 255*p, 255*q)

# Create the GUI Context

# Register our font and size
with dpg.font_registry():
    default_font = dpg.add_font("fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf", 30)
# Display an information pop-up message
def show_info(title, message, selection_callback):
    with dpg.mutex():
        viewport_width = dpg.get_viewport_client_width()
        viewport_height = dpg.get_viewport_client_height()

        with dpg.window(label=title, modal=True, no_close=True) as modal_id:
            dpg.add_button(label="Ok", width=75, user_data=(modal_id, True), callback=selection_callback)

    width = dpg.get_item_width(modal_id)
    height = dpg.get_item_height(modal_id)
    dpg.set_item_pos(modal_id, [viewport_width // 2 - width // 2, viewport_height // 2 - height // 2])

# Close the message box
def on_selection(sender, unused, user_data):

Let’s connect to Nylas and load our contacts:

# Initialize an instance of the Nylas SDK using the client credentials
nylas = APIClient(

# Load contacts using the contacts endpoint
def load_config(emails):
    contacts = nylas.contacts.where(source = 'address_book', limit = contacts_limit)
    for contact in contacts:
        email_detail = contact.given_name + " " + contact.surname + ": "
            email_detail += contact.emails["personal"][0]
                email_detail += contact.emails["work"][0]
                email_detail += contact.emails[None][0]
    return emails

Call ChatGPT and let our email assistant do the hard work for us:

# Calls the Email Wizard: Voice recognition, text-to-speech, ChatGPT
def wizard_callback(sender, app_data, user_data):
    emails = []
    synthesize_speech("Welcome to Nylas Email Wizard. Who are you sending an email?", 'response.mp3')
    transcription = record_input("")
    if transcription != "":
        # We can say more than one name using an "and"
        split_transcription = transcription.split(" and ")
        for name in split_transcription:
            for found_email in emails:
				# Search for requested people in contacts emails
                full_name = re.search("^.*?(?=:)", found_email)
                first_name = re.search("^\S+", full_name.group())
                # Use soundex to match names that are not exactly the same
                if jellyfish.soundex(name) == jellyfish.soundex(first_name.group()):
                    set_emails(found_email, txtTo)
                    if jellyfish.soundex(name[0:3]) == jellyfish.soundex(first_name.group()):
                       set_emails(found_email, txtTo)
        transcription_emails = transcription
        synthesize_speech(f"Adding {transcription} to the list of recipients", 'response.mp3')
        # Ask for title
        synthesize_speech("Let me know the title", 'response.mp3')
        transcription = record_input("")
        synthesize_speech(f"Adding {transcription} to the title", 'response.mp3')
        dpg.set_value(txtTitle, transcription.capitalize())
        # Ask for email content
        synthesize_speech("Let me know the content of the email", 'response.mp3')
        transcription = record_input("")
        # Prompt for ChatGPT					
        prompt = """
        write a short email to Name with no subject to talk about Content
        # Replace Name and Content with proper information
        prompt = re.sub("Name", transcription_emails, prompt)
        prompt = re.sub("Content", transcription, prompt)
        synthesize_speech(f"I'm generating the content of the email. Please wait.", 'response.mp3')
        # Call ChatGPT
        response = openai.Completion.create(model="text-davinci-003", prompt=prompt, max_tokens=100, temperature=0)
        # Replace signature on reponse
        wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=75)
        word_list = wrapper.wrap(text=body)
        body = ""
        for word in word_list:
            body  = body + word + "\n"
        body = re.sub("(\[Your Name\])", signature, body)  
        # Add ChatGPT response
        dpg.set_value(txtBody, body)
        synthesize_speech(f"I added the content to the email", 'response.mp3')
        # Wait for one second
        synthesize_speech("Would you like to send the email now?", 'response.mp3')
        transcription = record_input("")
        # If we answer yes, then send the email
        if transcription.lower() != "no":
            body = response["choices"][0]["text"]
            body = re.sub("(\[Your Name\])", signature, body)
            emails = dpg.get_value(txtTo).rstrip(";")
            title = dpg.get_value(txtTitle)
            body = re.sub('\n', '<br>', body)
            send_email(emails, title, body, [txtTo, txtTitle, txtBody])
            synthesize_speech("The email was sent", 'response.mp3')

def send_email(emails, title, body, user_data):
    draft = nylas.drafts.create()
    participants = []
    draft.subject = title
    draft.body = body
    list_of_emails = email_list['email'].rstrip(";").split(";")
    list_of_names = names_list['name'].rstrip(";").split(";")
    for i in range(0, len(list_of_emails)):
    draft.to = participants
    email_list['email'] = ""
    dpg.set_value(user_data[0], email_list['email'])
    names_list['name'] = ""
    show_info("Message Box", "The email was sent successfully", on_selection)

Finally, let’s define the UI and all the functions that we need to populate them:

# Set the emails on the email field
def set_emails(email_info, user_data):
    email = re.search("(?<=: ).*$", email_info)
    email_list['email'] = email_list['email'] + email.group() + ";"
    dpg.set_value(user_data, email_list['email'])
    name = re.search("^.*?(?=:)", email_info)
    names_list['name'] = names_list['name'] + name.group() + ";"	

# When we select a contact from the contact list, add it
def contact_callback(sender, app_data, user_data):
    set_emails(app_data, user_data)
# Clear the email field
def clear_callback(sender, app_data, user_data):
    email_list['email'] = ""
    dpg.set_value(user_data, email_list['email'])
    names_list['name'] = ""

# We pressed the send button
def send_callback(sender, app_data, user_data):
    emails = dpg.get_value(txtTo).rstrip(";")
    title = dpg.get_value(txtTitle)
    body = re.sub('\n', '<br>', dpg.get_value(txtBody))
    send_email(emails, title, body, user_data)
# When we press cancel, we clear all fields
def cancel_callback(sender, app_data, user_data):
    email_list['email'] = ""
    dpg.set_value(user_data[0], email_list['email'])
    names_list['name'] = ""
    dpg.set_value(user_data[1], "")
    dpg.set_value(user_data[2], "")

# Create the main window
with dpg.window(label="", tag="window", pos=(0,0), width=1100, height=420, no_resize = True, no_close = True, no_collapse = True):
	# Bind font with all application components
    # Load contacts
    # Add the Email Wizard button
    btnWizard = dpg.add_button(label="Nylas Email Wizard", callback=wizard_callback)
    # Add a space between components
    # Define a group
    group = dpg.add_group(horizontal=True)
    # Add To field
    txtTo = dpg.add_input_text(label="To", width = 500, parent = group)
    # Add contacts combobox
    cboContacts = dpg.add_combo(emails, label = "Contacts", width = 300, callback=contact_callback, parent = group, user_data = txtTo)
    # Add Clear button
    btnClear = dpg.add_button(label="Clear", callback=clear_callback, parent = group, user_data = txtTo)
    # Add Title field
    txtTitle = dpg.add_input_text(label="Title", width = 842, user_data = txtTo)
    # Add Body field
    txtBody = dpg.add_input_text(label="Body", multiline=True, width=842, height = 200, tab_input=True)
    # Define a new group
    buttons_group = dpg.add_group(horizontal=True)
    # Add Send and Cancel buttons
    btnSend = dpg.add_button(label="Send", callback=send_callback, parent = buttons_group, user_data = [txtTo, txtTitle, txtBody])
    btnCancel = dpg.add_button(label="Cancel", callback=cancel_callback, parent = buttons_group, user_data = [txtTo, txtTitle, txtBody])

# Specify the theme for the Email wizard button
with dpg.theme() as wizard_theme:
    with dpg.theme_component(dpg.mvAll):
        dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvThemeCol_Button, _hsv_to_rgb(1/7.0, 0.6, 0.6))
        dpg.add_theme_style(dpg.mvStyleVar_FrameRounding, 0, category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Core)

# Specify the theme for the all remaining buttons        
with dpg.theme() as button_theme:
    with dpg.theme_component(dpg.mvAll):
        dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvThemeCol_Button, _hsv_to_rgb(4/7.0, 0.6, 0.6))
        dpg.add_theme_style(dpg.mvStyleVar_FrameRounding, 0, category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Core)        

# Bind themes with buttons
dpg.bind_item_theme(btnWizard, wizard_theme)
dpg.bind_item_theme(btnSend, button_theme)
dpg.bind_item_theme(btnCancel, button_theme)
dpg.bind_item_theme(btnClear, button_theme)

# Define the application viewport
dpg.create_viewport(title='Email Assistant', width=1100, height=420)
# Initialize the application
# Display the viewport
# Start our application
# Destroy the context when the application ends

Running our Desktop application

The only thing we need to do is to run our script like this:

$ python3 email_assistant.py

What’s next?

If you want to learn more about Emails, go to our documentation. Don’t miss the action, join our LiveStream Coding with Nylas:

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