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While there are many scheduling applications available, nothing beats the DIY (Do It Yourself) philosophy, as you will learn a lot while building a Scheduler from scratch. However, not everyone is a web developer. To overcome this, we’re going to use Taipy, a full-stack Python framework that will make the entire process a pleasant experience.
When we first launch the application, it will request us to log in using hosted authentication:
Here, while we’re going to choose Gmail, we could choose any other provider:
We need to choose the account we want to use:
We need to choose the account one more time, for security reasons:
We will get a message saying that our application hasn’t been verified by Google, but that’s OK as we’re not using a production environment:
Here, we need to confirm that we’re giving Nylas access to our account, although keep in mind that we’re only requesting calendar scopes:
Once we are logged in, an availability check is going to be performed. This will include the logged user and the calendar owner. Simply, both calendars will be checked to determine common empty slots when a meeting can be scheduled.
And the bottom, we have a button to create the event, after selecting it from the list, and also a a button to close the session and go back to the main screen.
We can select a day and time, and then select the Setup Meeting button:
A confirmation will appear once we create the event, whether it fails or not:
The selected slot will be instantly taken from the list, as it is not available anymore:
While this is a Taipy application, we’re going to use Flask as well, as we need it to handle the hosted authentication. We’re going to install Pendulum as well to easily handle dates.
In a terminal window, type the following:
$ pip3 install taipy $ pip3 install -U Flask $ pip3 install pendulum $ pip3 install python-dotenv
We are going to create a folder called Scheduler_Taipy. Inside this folder, we are going to create two files, one called Scheduler.py and the other one Scheduler.css (Note that they need to have the same name but with different extensions):
# Import your dependencies from dotenv import load_dotenv import os from nylas import Client # type: ignore from taipy.gui import Gui, navigate, notify import pendulum from flask import Flask, redirect, session, request import re import time from nylas.models.auth import URLForAuthenticationConfig from nylas.models.availability import GetAvailabilityRequest from nylas.models.auth import CodeExchangeRequest flask_app = Flask(__name__) # Global variables for the state #email_address = "" value = "" schedules = {"available":''} # Load your env variables load_dotenv() # Initialize an instance of the Nylas SDK using the client credentials nylas = Client( api_key = os.environ.get("V3_API_KEY") ) root_md="" page1_md=""" # Welcome to Blag's Scheduler <|Nyla_Space.png|image|> <|Google.png|image|on_action=on_button_action|> """ page2_md = """ ### Available dates and times <|{value}|selector|lov={schedules.get("available")}|> <|Setup meeting|button|on_action=on_schedule_action|> <|Log out|button|on_action=on_logout_action|> """ pages = { "/": root_md, "page1": page1_md, "page2": page2_md } @flask_app.route("/login/nylas/authorized") def authorized(): # Get the code generated by the hosted authentication code = request.args.get("code") # Exchange the code for a grant exchangeRequest = CodeExchangeRequest({"redirect_uri": "http://localhost:5000/login/nylas/authorized", "code": code, "client_id": os.environ.get("V3_CLIENT")}) #print(exchangeRequest) # Get the information from the grant exchange = nylas.auth.exchange_code_for_token(exchangeRequest) response, _ = nylas.grants.find(exchange.grant_id) # Create a session session.permanent = True # Fill session details session["email_address"] = response.email session["grant_id"] = exchange.grant_id # Call the login function to load availability dummy = login(session.get("state")) # Call the page to display availability return redirect("http://localhost:5000/page2") def login(state): # Give some time for the grant to setup time.sleep(3) date_time = [] schedules["available"] = "" # Get the availability for both email accounts request_body = GetAvailabilityRequest( participants = [ { "email": os.environ.get("GRANT_ID"), "calendar_ids": [ os.environ.get("GRANT_ID") ], }, { "email": session["email_address"], "calendar_ids": [ session["email_address"] ], }, ], duration_minutes = 60, ) # Get today’s date today = pendulum.now() # Day of the week dow = today.day_of_week # Our working days goes from 10:00am to 5:00pm # And we don't want days that already passed by for x in range(dow, 6): start_time = pendulum.local(today.year, today.month, today.day, today.hour, 0, 0).int_timestamp end_time = pendulum.local(today.year, today.month, today.day, 17, 0, 0).int_timestamp request_body["start_time"] = start_time request_body["end_time"] = end_time # Get the available spots availability, _request_ids = nylas.calendars.get_availability(request_body) # Add the following day today = today.add(days=1) # Find available times for slot in availability.time_slots: ts = pendulum.from_timestamp(slot.start_time, today.timezone.name).strftime("%m/%d/%Y at %H:%M") te = pendulum.from_timestamp(slot.end_time ,today.timezone.name).strftime("%H:%M") date_time.insert(len(date_time), ts + " to " + te) # Here are all the available spots schedules["available"] = date_time return date_time def on_button_action(state): # Generate the hosted authentication page session.pop("email_address", None) config = URLForAuthenticationConfig({"client_id": os.environ.get("V3_CLIENT"), "redirect_uri" : "http://localhost:5000/login/nylas/authorized", "scope":["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.readonly"]}) url = nylas.auth.url_for_oauth2(config) session["state"] = state # And call it navigate(state, url) def on_schedule_action(state): # Extract the dates from the selected slot pattern = r"(\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d{4}) at (\d{1,2}:\d{2}) to (\d{1,2}:\d{2})" match = re.search(pattern, state.value) date = match.group(1) date_parts = date.split('/') start_time = match.group(2) start_time_parts = start_time.split(':') end_time = match.group(3) end_time_parts = end_time.split(':') query_params = {"calendar_id": os.environ.get("GRANT_ID")} # Define the events details request_body = { "when": { "start_time": pendulum.local(int(date_parts[2]), int(date_parts[0]), int(date_parts[1]), int(start_time_parts[0]), 0, 0).int_timestamp, "end_time": pendulum.local(int(date_parts[2]), int(date_parts[0]), int(date_parts[1]), int(end_time_parts[0]), 0, 0).int_timestamp, }, "title": "Meeting with Blag", "location": "Blag's Online Den", "description": f"You're meeting with Blag on {date} from {start_time} to {end_time}", "participants": [{ "email": session["email_address"], }] } # Create the event event = nylas.events.create(os.environ.get("GRANT_ID"), query_params = query_params, request_body = request_body).data # Display a message with the status of the event creation if event.id: date_time = login(state) state.schedules["available"] = date_time navigate(state, "page2") notify(state, 'info', "The event was created successfully") else: notify(state, 'info', "There was an error creating the event") def on_logout_action(state): # We're logging out. Destroy the grant and clear all sessions nylas.grants.destroy(session["grant_id"]) session.pop("email_address", None) session.pop("grant_id", None) navigate(state, "/") Gui(pages=pages, flask=flask_app).run()
Next, we need to create the Scheduler.css file:
:root { height: 200px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; text-align: center; }
This is just to put everything in the center of the screen.
To run our application, we need to update our Nylas application. Head to the Hosted Authentication page on your dashboard, and click on Add a callback URI.
Once that is done, we can type the following on the terminal window:
$ python3 Scheduler.py
As we selected a spot and generated a meeting, why don’t we look at it? We just need to go to our mailbox or our calendar to find it:
Do you have any comments or feedback? Please use our forums 😎
Want to fetch the repo? Here you go scheduler_taipy 🥳
Learn more about Calendars in our documentation.
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Blag aka Alvaro Tejada Galindo is a Senior Developer Advocate at Nylas. He loves learning about programming and sharing knowledge with the community. When he’s not coding, he’s spending time with his wife, daughter and son. He loves Punk Music and reading all sorts of books.