How to create a terminal email client using Textual and Python

How to create a terminal email client using Textual and Python

10 min read

We have talked about sending and reading emails using Python previously. We even created an Email Client using JRuby, and Shoes. Why create an Email Client in the terminal? Well, thanks to Textual, creating excellent terminal applications is not a hard thing to do anymore.

Is your system ready?

Continue with the blog if you already have the Nylas Python SDK installed and your Python environment configured.

Otherwise, I recommend reading the post How to Send Emails with the Nylas Python SDK where the basic setup is clearly explained.

What are we going to talk about?

What our terminal email client application will look like

When we think about terminal applications, we can only think about white text on a black screen, which might be true for applications not built using Textual. With Textual, we can have buttons, trees, data tables, radio buttons and much more.

We will build a Terminal Email Client using Textual:

Textual Terminal Email Client - Reading Inbox

Here, we grab the first 5 emails of our inbox. The space below the list of emails is where we will load each email to read:

Textual Terminal Email Client - Read an email

If you check the footer, we can refresh (R), delete (D), compose (O) or reply (P), by pressing the letter accompanying each command. Let’s try the Compose Email one:

Textual Terminal Email Client - Compose Email Empty

Textual doesn’t have a multiline input component, so we’re doing our best here. We can send the email by either pressing the button or hitting the letter S.

Textual Terminal Email Client - Compose Email full

We can check if the email was actually sent:

Check composed email

Now, let’s try reply:

Textual Terminal Email Client - Read email to reply

After we select an email, we can hit P and start replying to the email:

Textual Terminal Email Client - Replying an Email

We can check the reply:

Check replied email

We can test Refresh and Delete, but they might not make too much sense in images, so let’s leave them for now.

Installing the required packages

While there are a lot of imports in the source code, we only need to install a couple of packages, if we don’t have installed already:

$ pip3 install textual[dev] → The Textual package
$ pip3 install beautifulsoup4 → HTML and XML parser

Creating our terminal email client application

For our Textual terminal client, we’re going to create a folder called terminal_email_client and inside we’re going to create a Python script called with the following code:

Our application will be separated using screens, so let’s start with the main screen first:

# Import your dependencies
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
from rich.text import Text
from nylas import APIClient  # type: ignore
from import App, ComposeResult
from textual.containers import Horizontal
from textual.widgets import DataTable, Label, Header, Footer, Input, Button
from textual.screen import Screen
from textual.binding import Binding
import datetime
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import textwrap
from typing import List, Any

# Load your env variables

# Initialize an instance of the Nylas SDK using the client credentials
nylas = APIClient(

# Create the header of the Data Table
ROWS = [("Date", "Subject", "From", "Unread")]

# Global variables
messageid = []
labelsDict = {}
labels = nylas.labels.all()
for label in labels:
    labelsDict[label["name"]] = label["id"]

# Get the body of a particular message clean of HTML tags
def get_message(self, message_id: str) -> str:
    body = ""
    message = nylas.messages.get(message_id)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(message.body, "html.parser")
    for data in soup(["style", "script"]):
    wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=75)
    word_list = wrapper.wrap(text=" ".join(soup.stripped_strings))
    body = ""
    for word in word_list:
        body = body + word + "\n"
    if self != None:    
        except Exception:
            if message.unread == True: 
    return body

# Read the first 5 messages of our inbox
def get_messages() -> List[Any]:
    messages = nylas.messages.where(in_="inbox", limit=5)
    ROWS.append(("Date", "Subject", "From", "Unread"))
    for message in messages:
        _from = message.from_[0]["name"] + " / " + message.from_[0]["email"]
                    "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
    return messages

This will load up our mailbox, and will allow us to read emails, delete, compose and reply to emails:

# This can be considered the main screen
class EmailApp(App):
# Setup the bindings for the footer	
    BINDINGS = [
        Binding("r", "refresh", "Refresh"),
        Binding("s", "send", "Send", show=False),
        Binding("c", "cancel", "Cancel", show=False),
        Binding("d", "delete", "Delete"),
        Binding("o", "compose", "Compose Email"),
        Binding("p", "reply", "Reply"),

# Class variables
    messages = [Any]
    id_message = 0

# Fill up the Data table
    def populate_table(self) -> None:
        self.messages = get_messages()
        table = self.query_one(DataTable)
        table.cursor_type = "row"
        rows = iter(ROWS)
        counter = 0
        for row in rows:
            if counter > 0:
                if row[3] is True:
                    styled_row = [
                        Text(str(cell), style="bold #03AC13") for cell in row
            counter += 1

# Load up the main components of the screen
    def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
        yield Header()
        yield Footer()
        yield DataTable()
        yield Label(id="message")

# After we load the components, fill up their data
    def on_mount(self) -> None:		
        self.messages = get_messages()
        table = self.query_one(DataTable)
        table.cursor_type = "row"
        rows = iter(ROWS)
        for row in rows:
            if row[3] is True:
                styled_row = [
                    Text(str(cell), style="bold #03AC13") for cell in row

# When we select a line on our Data table, or read
# an email
    def on_data_table_row_selected(self, event) -> None:
        message = self.query_one("#message", Label)
        self.id_message = self.messages[event.cursor_row].id
        message.update(get_message(self, self.id_message))

# We're deleting an email
    def action_delete(self) -> None:
            _message = nylas.messages.get(self.id_message)
        except Exception as e:

# We want to Compose a new email
    def action_compose(self) -> None:

# We want to refresh by calling in new emails
    def action_refresh(self) -> None:

# We want to reply to an email
    def action_reply(self) -> None:
        if len(messageid) > 0:

This is the reply screen, and it will be called when we read an email and we want to create a response or reply:

# Reply screen. This screen we will be displayed when we are
# replying an email
class ReplyScreen(Screen):
# Setup the bindings for the footer	
    BINDINGS = [
        Binding("r", "refresh", "Refresh", show=False),
        Binding("s", "send", "Send"),
        Binding("c", "cancel", "Cancel"),
        Binding("d", "delete", "Delete", show=False),
        Binding("o", "compose", "Compose Email", show=False),
        Binding("p", "reply", "Reply", show=False),

# Load up the main components of the screen
    def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
        yield Header()
        yield Footer()
        yield Input(id="email_from")
        yield Input(id="title")
        yield Label(id="body")
        yield Label("======================")
        yield Input(id="first")
        yield Input(id="second")
        yield Input(id="third")
        yield Input(id="fourth")
        yield Horizontal(
            Button("Send!", variant="primary", id="send"),
            Label(" "),
            Button("Cancel", variant="primary", id="cancel"),

# After we load the components, fill up their data
    def on_mount(self) -> None:
        message = nylas.messages.get(messageid[0])
        body = self.query_one("#body", Label)
        self.query_one("#email_from").value = message.from_[0]["email"]
        self.query_one("#title").value = "Re: " + message.subject
        body.update(get_message(None, messageid[0]))

# Grab the information and send the reply to the email
    def send_email(self) -> None:
        participants = []
        draft = nylas.drafts.create()
        list_of_emails = self.query_one("#email_from").value.split(";")
        draft.subject = self.query_one("#title").value
        draft.body = (
            + "\n"
            + self.query_one("#second").value
            + "\n"
            + self.query_one("#third").value
            + "\n"
            + self.query_one("#fourth").value
        for i in range(0, len(list_of_emails)):
            participants.append({"name": "", "email": list_of_emails[i]}) = participants
        draft.reply_to_message_id = messageid[0]
            self.query_one("#email_from").value = ""
            self.query_one("#title").value = ""
            self.query_one("#first").value = ""
            self.query_one("#second").value = ""
            self.query_one("#third").value = ""
            self.query_one("#fourth").value = ""
        except Exception as e:

# This commands should not work on this screen
    def action_delete(self) -> None:

    def action_compose(self) -> None:

    def action_refresh(self) -> None:

    def action_reply(self) -> None:

# We pressing a key
    def action_cancel(self) -> None:

    def action_send(self) -> None:

# We're pressing a button
    def on_button_pressed(self, event: Button.Pressed) -> None:
        if == "send":
        elif == "cancel":

This is the compose screen that is called when we want to create or compose a new email:

# Compose screen. This screen we will be displayed when we are
# creating or composing a new email
class ComposeEmail(Screen):
# Setup the bindings for the footer	
    BINDINGS = [
        Binding("r", "refresh", "Refresh", show=False),
        Binding("s", "send", "Send"),
        Binding("c", "cancel", "Cancel"),
        Binding("d", "delete", "Delete", show=False),
        Binding("o", "compose", "Compose Email", show=False),
        Binding("p", "reply", "Reply", show=False),

# Load up the main components of the screen
    def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
        yield Header()
        yield Footer()
        yield Input(placeholder="Email To", id="email_to")
        yield Input(placeholder="Title", id="title")
        yield Label("======================")
        yield Input(id="first")
        yield Input(id="second")
        yield Input(id="third")
        yield Input(id="fourth")
        yield Horizontal(
            Button("Send!", variant="primary", id="send"),
            Label(" "),
            Button("Cancel", variant="primary", id="cancel"),

# Grab the information and send the email
    def send_email(self) -> None:
        participants = []
        draft = nylas.drafts.create()
        list_of_emails = self.query_one("#email_to").value.split(";")
        draft.subject = self.query_one("#title").value
        draft.body = (
            + "\n"
            + self.query_one("#second").value
            + "\n"
            + self.query_one("#third").value
            + "\n"
            + self.query_one("#fourth").value
        for i in range(0, len(list_of_emails)):
            participants.append({"name": "", "email": list_of_emails[i]}) = participants
            self.query_one("#email_to").value = ""
            self.query_one("#title").value = ""
            self.query_one("#first").value = ""
            self.query_one("#second").value = ""
            self.query_one("#third").value = ""
            self.query_one("#fourth").value = ""
        except Exception as e:

# This commands should not work on this screen
    def action_delete(self) -> None:

    def action_compose(self) -> None:

    def action_refresh(self) -> None:

    def action_reply(self) -> None:

# We pressing a key
    def action_cancel(self) -> None:

    def action_send(self) -> None:

# We pressing a button
    def on_button_pressed(self, event: Button.Pressed) -> None:
        if == "send":
        elif == "cancel":

And last but not least, we need to pass the main class or screen and instruct our application to run:

# Pass the main class and run the application
if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = EmailApp()

Running our terminal email client application

The only thing we need to do is to run our script like this:

$ python3

And our terminal email client built with Textual will show up displaying our inbox.

What’s next?

If you want to learn more about Emails, go to our documentation. Also, don’t miss the action, join our LiveStream Coding with Nylas:

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