Simplifying Scheduling with the Availability and Consecutive Availability Endpoints

Simplifying Scheduling with the Availability and Consecutive Availability Endpoints

5 min read

There are 11,000,000 meetings in the US workforce per day on average, and the average employee has 62 meetings a month. Regardless of which industry you are in, scheduling is an essential part of everyone’s day. Meetings happen with internal teammates and/or with external clients. Leveraging the Nylas Calendar API, you have two new scheduling features to increase end user happiness: the availability and consecutive availability endpoints. These new Nylas endpoints make scheduling easier than before by surfacing shared availability among meeting attendees and enabling end-users to schedule back-to-back meetings based upon availability.

Too Much Time Spent Scheduling?

Back and forth communication when figuring out scheduling times should be a thing of the past. You users need to seamlessly streamline scheduling so they can get more time back in their day. Regardless if your users are meeting with their teammates or with clients outside of their company, time should be spent accomplishing goals instead of figuring out when everyone can meet.

Availability and Consecutive Availability Streamlined

These two new endpoints were designed to simplify the scheduling processes for your end-users. The availability endpoint allows your users to schedule seamlessly by finding shared availability for all meeting attendees without compromising security. End users can schedule back-to-back meetings with the consecutive availability endpoint, such as an interview with four internal stakeholders, without searching for open calendar blocks that work for all participants. These two new endpoints work with Google Workspace, Exchange, and Office 365.

How It Works

You will use the /calendars/availability endpoint to see shared availability across multiple parties, both internal and external, to an organization. This endpoint gives end-users more control over their schedules by allowing features such as:

  • Duration: Your end-users can define the length of the event you are creating.
  • Meeting Interval: You end users set availability to start at the top or bottom of the hour, regardless of the desired event’s length.
  • Open Hours: Your end-users can add an additional filter on top of their free/busy and offer specific hours for available meeting slots.

Here is a quick example of how you can find the time that two separate accounts are available to meet:

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer BEARER_AUTH' \
-d '{
   "duration_minutes": 30,
   "interval_minutes": 30,
   "start_time": 1605794400,
   "end_time": 1605826800,
   "emails": [
       "[email protected]",
       "[email protected]",

You can add the following object to the previous example to restrict them to times between 10AM and 2PM Central time Monday through Friday in order to set up Open Hours:

"open_hours": [
       "days": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
       "timezone": "America/Chicago",
       "start": "10:00",
       "end": "14:00",
       "object_type": "open_hours"

You will use the /calendars/availability/consecutive endpoint to find different possible itineraries for multiple consecutive meetings with one or more participants mentioned in the input. This endpoint also supports all features of the availability API, including open hours.

Here is how you can find available time slots for two consecutive meetings with three individuals:

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer BEARER_AUTH' \
-d '{
   "duration_minutes": 30,
   "start_time": 1605794400,
   "end_time": 1605826800,
   "interval_minutes": 10,
   "emails": [
           "[email protected]"
           "[email protected]",
           "[email protected]"

Take a look at our docs to learn more about how to use these two new endpoints.

Availability for Every Industry

End-users need to schedule meetings across internal and external teams with less friction. The availability and consecutive endpoints allow end-users to find available time slots to meet with all participants without searching one by one.

  • CRM: Sales reps schedule meetings with external prospects and need to set appointments with various stakeholders. Scheduling and rescheduling meetings take precious hours away from revenue-generating activities, and the more successful a rep becomes, the more meeting administration they have to manage. The availability endpoint empowers reps to find shared availability and reduces back and forth communication when setting meetings.
  • ATS: Recruiters manage 12-20 interviews per day on average. They need to set interview schedules for the internal team members as well as the external candidates. Consecutive Scheduling enables recruiters to easily schedule interview blocks for multiple team members without manually scheduling interviews one by one.

The availability and consecutive availability endpoints are just a few features that Nylas has to improve your scheduling abilities. Learn how Nylas can help by speaking with a specialist now.

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