The official Nylas blog

The Nylas APIs help software companies around the world build email, calendar, and contacts features into their platforms.

Connect user healthcare data securely: Nylas is HIPAA-compliant
New Nylas Core Values
Evolving Our Core Values for the First Time in 6 Years
A Message from Nylas Co-Founder & CEO Gleb Polyakov
Extract Text from Images with the Nylas OCR Endpoint
Gain Full Control Over Data Sync with Nylas’ Sync Policy
Schedule Emails and Optimize Deliverability with the Outbox Endpoint Beta
Automatically extract message bodies and export them into your application for a clean view.
Create Chat-Like Views of Email With Nylas’ Clean Conversations
Scheduling should be simple, and Nylas can help you get there with the Availability and Consecutive Availability Endpoints.
Prioritize Important Emails in your Inbox with Categorizer
Signature Extraction provides an intelligent workflow for contact enrichment.
Automatically Capture & Export Important Contact Data with Signature Extraction
Allow users to quickly join events with the market-leading video conference tools like Zoom, Google Meet, MS Teams, and more.
New Nylas Calendar API Feature: Conferencing Sync Beta
Simplifying Scheduling with the Availability and Consecutive Availability Endpoints
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