Modernize your PropTech experience

Deliver engaging, embedded email and calendar capabilities in your PropTech software.

Engaging experiences image
Create engaging experiences

Empower clients, agents, brokers, and property managers to efficiently communicate within your application.

Stand out from the competition
Stand out from the competition

Connect to any email provider with ease, stand up appointment scheduling solutions, and extract insights from PropTech communications data.

Powering the world’s top applications
  • LionDesk

Embed communications into your application, fast

Build performant products

Build quickly

Integrate directly with your users’ inboxes and calendars.

Maximize user engagement

Transform user experience

Streamline critical real estate communications across the customer journey.

Automate scheduling

Empower users to focus on engaging clients with seamless appointment scheduling.

Experience the Nylas difference

Launch features faster
Launch communications features in days, not months

Quickly stand up bi-directional email, calendar, and contacts integrations. Spend less time building infrastructure and more time improving user experience.

Turn user engagement into growth

Become the go-to PropTech software in your vertical. Build a more convenient, seamless, and transparent experience for your users.

Empower your devs to launch more features faster

Free up critical developer resources and accelerate your product roadmap—let Nylas handle API updates and ongoing maintenance.

Application integration
Streamline transaction management

Streamline slow, tedious, and manual real estate processes such as scheduling, client communications, and more.

Increased productivity
Improve agent productivity

Shorten deal cycles and follow up with leads faster through standout communications features and quality-of-life capabilities.

Lowest cost, guaranteed
Maximize net operating income

Stand up seamless email and scheduling experiences to engage tenants and minimize turnover.

Modernize PropTech communications and scheduling

As competition in the property technology landscape heats up, your application needs to deliver the communications experiences that today’s clients and tenants expect.




Harness real-time communications data to make property ownership and management more convenient and transparent.


Deliver turnkey scheduling and productivity features that cut out manual work and make your products sticker.


Building integrations for every communications provider and channel will cost your organization considerable time and resources.


Leverage one integration to connect to 100% of email, calendar, and contacts providers.

Email parsing

Email API

Easily connect agents’ inboxes with your application to deliver personalized 1-1 outreach.

Connect to every calendar

Calendar API

Coordinate appointments, maintenance, showings, and other events in your application.


Streamline appointment scheduling with customizable UI and rich features.

Stand up contacts sync fast

Contacts API

Enrich your application with users’ contact data to improve agent productivity.

Funnel increases ARR 150% using Nylas email and calendar APIs

“Since we started using Nylas, our CRM has averaged 150% YOY ARR growth.”

– Tyler Christiansen CEO at Funnel
CRM, PropTech
Calendar API, Email API
Mortgage platform grows user base 580% since embedding scheduling with the Nylas Calendar API

“[Nylas] essentially does all we want in a single solution. It’s flexible enough for us to design a user experience tailored to our needs, but also easy enough to leverage out-of-the-box SDKs to start testing demand for these features as quickly as possible,”

– Head of Product Mortgage platform
CRM, PropTech
Calendar API

Ready to start building?

Unlock your free API key and sync up to 5 accounts.