Onboard Enterprise Customers Faster with SSO Support

Nylas now offers support for Okta, OneLogin, and other leading SSO providers for all Office365 and GSuite accounts.

Okta SSO for Nylas

Nylas now offers support for Okta, OneLogin, and other leading SSO providers for all Office365 and GSuite accounts.

SSO providers (single-sign-on providers) like Okta and OneLogin SSO help enterprise businesses with authentication and user lifecycle management within their businesses.

Now, Nylas offers support for Okta, OneLogin, and other leading SSO providers for all Office365 and GSuite accounts! This new feature will help Nylas customers:

  • Save your support team time through reduced authentication errors
  • Improve security by having users authenticate via OAuth

For large companies with lots of employees, it can be very difficult to manage onboarding and offboarding of employees’ accounts and keep track of which apps they were connected to, or what data they might have access to. By centrally managing this via an SSO provider (like Okta or OneLogin) and providing a rich integration ecosystem, SSOs make life easier for IT, managers, and tech admins. 

You can enable SSO support for your users by implementing OAuth for their Microsoft Office365 and GSuite accounts. 

Learn more on our docs here:

Having SSO support saves managers, admins, and IT hundreds of hours of time. This also lets our customers integrate with enterprise users who have more sophisticated authentication needs. 

Here is an example flow of what your end users see when logging in to your platform via Okta or OneLogin.

Example #1: OneLogin for Gmail flow

Gmail OneLogin flow

(Note that “Nylas.com” would be replaced with your domain name here, so “[your company’s domain] wants to access your Google Account.”

Example #2: Okta for Microsoft Office Flow:

(Note that “Nylas Test Auth” would be replaced with your app’s name in the screenshot above)

Get today started implementing OAuth to support SSO with our SDKs!

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