Nylas learning guides

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The state of developer experience 2024

Understanding the priorities, tools, and trends that are shaping developer experience today and for years to come.

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State of developer experience
Tips for Integrating With the Google Calendar API

Integrating with the Google Calendar API may not be as easy as you think. Learn…

Microsoft Basic Auth vs Microsoft OAuth

Microsoft will officially be deprecating Basic Authentication for many Exchange Online Protocols in 2021.

The Complete Guide to the Nylas Communications APIs
2020 Trends for CTOs

How Engineering Leaders are Managing High-Performance Teams

Python 3: Why You Should Upgrade Now, and How

There’s a lot to gain by making the move to Python 3.

Your Guide to Environment Variables in Python

If you’re a Python programmer, there are a few things you should know about environment…

How to Implement Python at Scale
The 5-Step Guide to SOC 2 Certification

SOC 2 is one of the most sought-after certifications for security.

Secrets to Great API Design

Your API is only as good as its design. If developers can’t implement your API…

Unlock Communications Data withNylas Streams
Communications Data: The Missing Link in Your Analytics Stack

Communications data is a valuable, untapped resource that many organizations can’t leverage due to accessibility…

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