Using ChatGPT and Nylas

How to build with Nylas using ChatGPT today

8 min read

We’ve already seen generative AI disrupt every industry. From detecting and preventing cyber attacks to interpreting stock moves, the potential of generative AI continues to expand as the technology advances. In the world of APIs, developers are seeking innovative ways to integrate these technologies into their programming workflows to automate tedious tasks, improve efficiency, and unlock new possibilities.

ChatGPT is one AI tool developers can use today to improve their programming process. When combined with Nylas APIs, developers can access powerful features that simplify their workflows and help them get more done quickly. They can also use ChatGPT and other OpenAI tools to create intelligent applications that improve user experiences and streamline communication processes.

Below are examples of how developers can build using ChatGPT with Nylas today. 

Using ChatGPT and the Nylas Email API 

Here are two ways you can approach using ChatGPT and the Nylas Email API to speed up your development process: 

  1. Building upon a pre-existing solution – e.g., a customer relationship management (CRM) system or applicant tracking system (ATS) 
  2. Building a new solution from scratch – e.g., an email assistant or script 

Building upon a pre-existing solution

Developers can use the Nylas Email API to access email data and extract specific information needed to perform a task. Once you’ve received the information, you can ask ChatGPT to analyze the email and help you achieve desired functions. For instance, you can ask: 

  • “What is the sentiment of this email?” 
  • “Can you translate this email from English to Spanish?” 
  • “Can you summarize this email? 

After you have the information you need from ChatGPT, you can use the Nylas Email API to perform tasks automatically. For example, you can send automated email responses you triaged based on the message’s sentiment and context. Or, you can send a translated email in a user’s preferred language — below is a step-by-step tutorial from the Nylas developer relations team on localizing your emails with ChatGPT and Python. 

Nylas’ developer advocates using ChatGPT and the Nylas Email API.

Building a new solution

In addition to streamlining processes in a pre-existing solution, you can use ChatGPT and the Nylas Email API together to simplify the process of building new, productivity-enhancing solutions. 

Create custom email assistants that can automate tasks. Developers can use the Nylas Email API to programmatically access and manage email data and then use ChatGPT to build an intelligent email assistant to automate email-related tasks. 

Here’s how this would look: 

  1. Set up a Nylas account and authenticate access to the user’s email account(s).
  2. Use Nylas APIs to extract relevant information from emails, such as the sender, recipient, subject, body, attachments, and metadata.
  3. Use ChatGPT to generate code based on your specifications. Here’s a sample prompt generated by ChatGPT: 
"Can you build me a custom email assistant in Python using the Nylas Email API? I'd like to automate tasks based on email data, such as scheduling meetings, sending follow-up emails, and organizing my inbox."
  1. Implement machine learning algorithms to learn from user behavior and improve the accuracy and relevance of responses over time.
Nylas’ developer advocates demo sending an email using ChatGPT, DearPyGUI, Amazon Polly, Speech Recognition, and your voice.

Build an application that analyzes a message’s sentiment. Use ChatGPT to generate code to have the Nylas Email API extract communication data from email and customer support tickets. Separately, you can utilize OpenAI’s GPT models to fine-tune specific use cases, like automating customer support by analyzing the tone and sentiment of email or ticket data. 

Learn how to create a Sentiment Analysis Dashboard using ChatGPT, Python, and Streamlit.

Craft personalized product recommendations: Use ChatGPT to generate code for an e-commerce solution that uses the Nylas Email API to send personalized product recommendations. Using the available data, you can also incorporate ChatGPT to analyze user preferences and behavior. 

Using ChatGPT and the Nylas Calendar API 

Nylas also offers a calendar API that can be used with ChatGPT to streamline scheduling workflows and calendar management tasks. Again, we’ll look at two scenarios – building upon a pre-existing solution and building a new one from scratch. 

Building upon a pre-existing solution

Developers can leverage the Nylas Calendar API to access calendar data and perform various functions like extracting the data needed to automate tasks or create custom workflows. Once you have the necessary data, you can use ChatGPT to analyze the information and help you achieve desired outcomes.

For example, you could ask ChatGPT questions such as:

  • “When is my next meeting with [person]?”
  • “Can you provide me with a list of all upcoming events for next week?”
  • “How often have I scheduled a meeting with [person] in the past month?”

Once ChatGPT has provided the requested information, you can use the Nylas Calendar API to perform automated tasks such as:

  • Sending automatic reminders for upcoming meetings or appointments
  • Automatically updating your calendar with new event details
  • Creating custom reports based on your calendar data

Building a new solution

Like the Nylas Email API, you can also use the Nylas Calendar API in conjunction with ChatGPT to make it easier to build new solutions. 

Build an automatic meeting scheduler: Build a tool that scans users’ calendars, finds mutual availability, and suggests or schedules meetings based on preferences and natural language inputs, using OpenAI for understanding and Nylas for calendar management.

Create a virtual event assistant: Develop a virtual event assistant that can automatically schedule and manage events, send invitations, and provide personalized content and follow-up messages to attendees using Nylas and OpenAI.

Using ChatGPT with the Nylas Contacts API

Nylas offers a Contacts API that can be used in conjunction with ChatGPT to simplify and automate contact management workflows. 

Below are some examples of how developers can use ChatGPT with the Nylas Contacts API.

Building upon a pre-existing solution

Developers can use the Nylas Contacts API to extract contact information and ChatGPT to automate tasks related to contact management. For example, you can use ChatGPT to ask questions such as:

  • “Can you find me all contacts with ‘marketing’ in their job title?”
  • “Can you add a new contact for me with the name ‘John Smith’ and the email address ‘‘?”
  • “What is the company name associated with this contact?”

After ChatGPT has provided the requested information, you can use the Nylas Contacts API to perform automated tasks such as:

  • Adding or updating contacts
  • Sending targeted email campaigns to specific contacts
  • Building custom reports based on contact data

Building a new solution

Developers can also use ChatGPT and the Nylas Contacts API to build new solutions that automate tasks related to contact management. 

Build a personalized email campaign tool. Use the Nylas Contacts API to extract contact data and use ChatGPT to generate personalized email content that considers the recipient’s name, job title, and other relevant information. The resulting emails can then be sent using the Nylas Email API.

Automate lead generation. Use ChatGPT to generate code that automates adding new leads to the Nylas Contacts API. The code can extract relevant information from sources such as social media or website forms and use it to create new contact records.

Build a contact enrichment tool. Developers can use the Nylas Contacts API to extract contact data and use ChatGPT to enrich it with additional information such as social media profiles, company information, or job titles. The enriched data can then be used to create custom reports or to inform marketing campaigns.

These examples are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what’s possible when using ChatGPT and other generative AI tools in conjunction with Nylas. Stay tuned as we continue to share examples of how Nylas and ChatGPT can work together to streamline communication and boost developer productivity and efficiency.

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