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Let’s imagine that we own a gym equipment rental business. People can reserve our gym equipment for an hour, and we need a scheduling system to handle these reservations. Using Nylas and the Nylas Ruby SDK, we can create a Ruby and Sinatra scheduling system where people can log in using their Google account, select a time slot, and receive a confirmation email with an event attached.
In this blog post, we will explore how we can easily support creating new calendars and events using the Nylas Calendar API.
If you prefer Python, then go here How to build a scheduling application using Python and Flask.
If you already have the Nylas Ruby SDK installed and your Ruby environment configured, continue reading this blog.
Otherwise, I recommend reading the post How to Send Emails with the Nylas Ruby SDK to understand the setup basics.
When we launch our webpage, we need to have a way for people to log into their Google accounts:
When pressing the button, they will be redirected to this login screen:
If you want to use a different provider, you must configure an app for each of them. Here’s how to do it for Microsoft Outlook, How to Create an Azure App.
We choose the account we want to use and enter our password:
We must continue, as our application is still in the testing phase:
We’ll need to access the calendar, so we need to click continue, although we can confirm that we’re just being asked for 4 services related to the calendar and nothing else.
Once logged in, we will be greeted and presented with the available spots for that particular day:
A new event will be scheduled once we click on one:
We will receive a confirmation email and an event on our calendar:
Now, we can see that the selected time slot is no longer available:
We can only reserve one spot per day, so trying to reserve another will result in an error message:
While we can use our default calendar, it would be better to have one specially made for this project. And even better, we can use a virtual calendar. A virtual calendar allows us to assign a calendar to an object or a person without an existing calendar account.
Read how to do it in the blog post A Small Guide to Virtual Calendars.
As we have created a virtual calendar, we need to add extra information to our .env file:
If you haven’t created a Nylas app yet, follow these steps:
Enter your email address and press Connect:
You’re going to get this:
But no worries, it’s not your fault or ours. It’s actually Google’s increased security. Simply, let’s move to the next step.
To save you some time and to make this post shorter, we already have all the instructions you need to follow in this blog post How to Setup Your First Google API Project.
As we want to create a Ruby web application, our best option is to use Sinatra, one of the most popular Micro Frameworks in the Ruby world. We might need to install some additional gems:
$ gem install sinatra $ gem install puma $ gem install ricecream $ gem install dotenv
Once installed, we’re ready to go.
Now, we’re going to create our scheduling application with Ruby and Sinatra. We need to create a folder called GymEquipment with two folders called views and public. Inside the GymEquipment folder, we’re going to create a file called GymSchedule.rb with the following code:
# frozen_string_literal: true # Import your dependencies require 'sinatra' require 'dotenv/load' require 'nylas' require 'ricecream' # Use sessions enable :sessions # Initialize your Nylas API client nylas = Nylas::API.new( app_id: ENV['CLIENT_ID'], app_secret: ENV['CLIENT_SECRET'], access_token: ENV['ACCESS_TOKEN'] ) # Initialize your Nylas API client api = Nylas::API.new( app_id: ENV['CLIENT_ID'], app_secret: ENV['CLIENT_SECRET'] ) virtual = Nylas::API.new( access_token: ENV['VIRTUAL_TOKEN'] ) # Call the authorization page get '/login/nylas/authorized' do if session[:email_address] == nil account = api.exchange_code_for_token(params[:code], return_full_response: true) api_as_user = api.as(account[:access_token]) session[:email_address] = account[:email_address] session[:participant] = api_as_user.current_account.name session[:access_token] = account[:access_token] redirect to("/login") end end # Main page get '/' do erb :welcome, layout: :layout end # Main page with form get '/login' do if session[:email_address] == nil url = api.authentication_url(redirect_uri: "http://localhost:4567/login/nylas/authorized", scopes: ["calendar"], response_type: "code", login_hint: "devreal@nylas.com", state: "mycustomstate") redirect to(url) end # Organizers emails #email = ["alvaro.t@nylas.com"] email = ["nylas_gym"] calendar = [{account_id: ENV['ACCOUNT_ID'],calendar_ids: [ENV['CALENDAR_ID']]}] duration = 60 interval = 60 schedules = [] time_slots = [] # Get today's date today = Date.today # We rent equipment from 10am to 3pm start_time = Time.local(today.year, today.month, today.day, 10, 0, 0).strftime("%s").to_i end_time = Time.local(today.year, today.month, today.day, 15, 0, 0).strftime("%s").to_i virtual_events = virtual.events.where(calendar_id: ENV['CALENDAR_ID']) virtual_events.each{ |event| time_slots.append({"start_time": event.when.start_time.to_i, "end_time": event.when.end_time.to_i, "object": "time_slot", "status": "busy"}) } free_busy = {email: "nylas_gym", object: "free/busy", time_slots: time_slots} # Determine availability of organizers availability = nylas.calendars.availability(duration_minutes: duration, interval_minutes: interval, start_time: start_time, end_time: end_time, emails: email, free_busy: [free_busy]) # Find available times availability[:time_slots].each do |available| ts = Time.at(available[:start_time]).to_datetime.strftime('%H:%M:%S') te = Time.at(available[:end_time]).to_datetime.strftime('%H:%M:%S') schedules.append([ts, te]) end # Call page with available schedules erb :main, layout: :layout, locals: {schedules: schedules, participant: session[:participant]} end # Remove auth access get '/remove' do api.revoke(session[:access_token]) session[:email_address] = nil session[:participant] = nil session[:access_token] = nil redirect to("/") end # Create the event get '/schedule' do link = "" registered = false # Check if participant has been already registered today = Date.today() # We get the details from the chosen time and create the start and end times start_time = Time.local(today.year, today.month, today.day, 10, 0, 0).strftime("%s").to_i end_time = Time.local(today.year, today.month, today.day, 15, 0, 0).strftime("%s").to_i # Check if participant has been already registered for the day events = virtual.events.where(calendar_id: ENV['CALENDAR_ID'], starts_after: start_time, ends_before: end_time) events.each{ |event| event.participants.each{ |participant| if participant.email == session[:email_address] registered = true end } } if registered == false # Get time parameters ts = params[:start_time] te = params[:end_time] link = ts + " to " + te today = Date.today() # We get the details from the chosen time and create the start and end times start_time = Time.local(today.year, today.month, today.day, ts[0, 2], ts[3, 2], ts[6, 2]).strftime("%s").to_i end_time = Time.local(today.year, today.month, today.day, te[0, 2], te[3, 2], te[6, 2]).strftime("%s").to_i # We create the event details event = virtual.events.create(title: "Nylas' Gym Equipment Reservation", location: "Nylas' Gym", when: {start_time: start_time, end_time: end_time}, participants: [{"name": session[:participant], 'email': session[:email_address]}], description: "You have reserve Gym Equipment from #{ts} to #{te}", calendar_id: ENV['CALENDAR_ID']) # Generate the Internet Calendar Scheduling ics = event.generate_ics # Write the file File.open("invite.ics", "w") { |f| f.write ics } # Create the file as an attachment file = nylas.files.create(file: File.open(File.expand_path('invite.ics'), 'r')).to_h # Send email with attachment included nylas.send!( to: [{ email: session[:email_address], name: session[:participant] }], subject: 'Nylas'' Gym Equipment Reservation', body: "You have reserve Gym Equipment from #{ts} to #{te}", file_ids: [file[:id]] ).to_h end # Call page to confirm reservation erb :scheduled, layout: :layout, locals: {link: link, registered: registered} end
On the views folder, create four files, we’re going to start with layout.erb:
<html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> <title>Nylas' Gym Equipment</title> </head> <body> <%= yield %> </body> </html>
Then the file welcome.erb:
<div class="bg-[#315acb] border-green-600 border-b p-4 m-4 rounded grid place-items-center"> <h1 class="text-4xl text-white">Welcome to Nylas' Gym Equipment</h1><br><br> <img src="Nyla_Space.png"><br><br><br> <a href="/login"><img src="Google.png" alt="Sign in"></a> </div>
Now main.erb:
<div class="bg-[#315acb] border-green-600 border-b p-4 m-4 rounded grid place-items-center"> <h1 class="text-4xl text-white">Nylas' Gym Equipment</h1> <br> <p class="text-3xl text-center text-white">Welcome <%= participant %></p><br> <p class="text-3xl text-center text-white">Choose a time that's convenient for you, so that we can reserve your gym equipment.</p><br><br> <% schedules.each do |schedule| %> <% link = schedule[0] + " to " + schedule[1] %> <a href="schedule?start_time=<%= schedule[0] %>&end_time=<%= schedule[1] %>" class="text-blue-200"><b><%= link.to_s %></b></a><br> <% end %> <a href="/remove" class="text-red-200"><b>Log Out</b></a> </div>
And finally scheduled.erb:
<div class="bg-[#315acb] border-green-600 border-b p-4 m-4 rounded grid place-items-center"> <% if registered == false %> <h1 class="text-4xl text-white">You have schedule the usage of Nylas' Gym Equipment</h1><br> <p class="text-3xl text-center text-white">You will receive a confirmation for your <%= link %> reservation.</p><br> <% else %> <h1 class="text-4xl text-white">You have already scheduled the usage of Nylas' Gym Equipment. Only one time per customer.</h1><br> <h1 class="text-4xl text-white">If you want to cancel or update your reservation, contact <b>Customer Care</b>.</h1><br> <% end %> <p class="text-3xl text-center text-red">With love, Nylas.</p><br><br> <a href="/login" class="text-red-200"><b>Go back</b></a> </div>
On the public folder, we need to images:
Ngrok is a globally distributed reverse proxy that allows our local applications to be exposed on the internet. We need to create a user and then install the client.
We can install it by using brew:
$ brew install ngrok/ngrok/ngrok
Then, follow the instructions on the webpage.
The first option is the installation:
Once everything is ready, we can run it by typing the following on the terminal window:
$ ./ngrok http 4567
We need to copy the Forwarding address, which will change every time we run ngrok.
To run our Ruby and Sinatra scheduling application, we need to update our Nylas application. Head to the application settings page, choose Authentication and then type the following on the Add you callback input box:
And also the address that you copied from ngrok:
we just need to type the following on the terminal window:
$ ruby GymSchedule.rb
Our application will be running on port 4567 of localhost, so we just need to open our favourite browser and go to the following address:
Everything should work as expected.
Our application is done and working correctly, but, how do we check for existing events? As the virtual calendar doesn’t live on our calendar, this might be tricky, but luckily it is not.
If you have the Nylas CLI installed (if you don’t, here’s how Working with the Nylas CLI) then just run this:
$ nylas api events get --access_token <VIRTUAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>
Or you can run this Ruby script called ReadVirtual.rb:
require 'nylas' require 'dotenv/load' virtual = Nylas::API.new( access_token: ENV['VIRTUAL_TOKEN'] ) events = virtual.events.where(calendar_id: ENV['CALENDAR_ID']) events.each{ |event| print(event.title) print("\nStart time: ", Time.at(event.when.start_time).to_datetime.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) print("\nEnd time: ", Time.at(event.when.end_time).to_datetime.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) print("\n", event.participants[0].email) print("\n\n") }
Now that we have created a Ruby and Sinatra Scheduling Application, why don’t we explore and create more.
If you want to learn more about the Nylas Email API, please visit our documentation Nylas Calendar Overview.
You can sign up Nylas for free and start building!
Don’t miss the action, watch our livestream Coding with Nylas:
Blag aka Alvaro Tejada Galindo is a Senior Developer Advocate at Nylas. He loves learning about programming and sharing knowledge with the community. When he’s not coding, he’s spending time with his wife, daughter and son. He loves Punk Music and reading all sorts of books.