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Managing our contacts is an important task, as we want to have them updated as often as possible. And what could be better than building our interface to do that? We’re going to make a NiceGUI Contact Manager to update our contacts.
To build our Contact Manager, we will use NiceGUI, a Python-based Web-UI Framework.
Continue with the blog if you already have the Nylas Python SDK installed and your Python environment configured.
Otherwise, I recommend reading the post How to Send Emails with the Nylas Python SDK, where the basic setup is clearly explained.
When we run our Contact Manager, we’re going to display five contacts belonging to a group that we have defined. Of course, we’re free to display all contacts without worrying if they belong to a group. It’s our choice:
We need to select a contact and then click Update:
Let’s take a closer look:
We’re going to change Hulk’s job title from Owner to Gym Owner and then click on Submit:
When the contact gets updated, a lovely notification message will be displayed.
Besides the Nylas and Dotenv packages, we need to install the NiceGUI package:
$ pip3 install nicegui
That’s it. Nothing too complex or complicated.
And it’s coding time. We will create a folder called NiceGUI, with a folder called assets. Then, we’re going to create a file called nicegui_contacts.py.
Let’s start with the initialization section:
# Import your dependencies from dotenv import load_dotenv import os from nylas import APIClient # type: ignore from nicegui import app, ui # Add the assets folder as a local folder app.add_static_files('/assets', 'assets') # Load your env variables load_dotenv() # Initialize an instance of the Nylas SDK using the client credentials nylas = APIClient( os.environ.get("CLIENT_ID"), os.environ.get("CLIENT_SECRET"), os.environ.get("ACCESS_TOKEN"), ) # Dictionary to hold all contacts information contact_info = {'id':'','given_name':'', 'surname':'', 'company_name':'', 'job_title':'', 'email':'', 'email_type':'', 'country':'', 'street_address':'', 'phone_number':'', 'phone_type':'', 'city':'', 'state':'', 'postal_code':'', 'address_type':''} # List to hold all contacts contact_list = []
Let’s move into the fetch and update sections:
# Function to update a contact using our dictionary def update_contact(): contact = nylas.contacts.get(contact_info['id']) contact.given_name = contact_info['given_name'] contact.surname = contact_info['surname'] contact.company_name = contact_info['company_name'] contact.job_title = contact_info['job_title'] contact.emails[contact_info['email_type']] = [contact_info['email']] contact.phone_numbers[contact_info['phone_type']] = [contact_info['phone_number']] if contact_info['street_address'] is not None or contact_info['street_address'] != '': contact.physical_addresses['Work'] = [{ 'format': 'structured', 'city': contact_info['city'], 'country': contact_info['country'], 'state': contact_info['state'], 'postal_code': contact_info['postal_code'], 'type': contact_info['address_type'], 'street_address': contact_info['street_address']}] try: # We try to save the contact contact.save() ui.notify('The contact was updated!') except Exception as e: # If the update fails, display the error message ui.notify(f'{e}') # Update the dictionary with the updated values def update_field(field, value): contact_info[f'{field}'] = value # For each selected contact, bring the details def fill_contact_details(contact_id): # Call the contacts endpoint contact = nylas.contacts.get(contact_id) contact_info['id'] = contact.id picture = contact.get_picture() file_name = f'{contact.id}.png' profile_image = open(f'assets/{file_name}', 'wb') profile_image.write(picture.read()) profile_image.close() profile_pic.set_source(f'assets/{file_name}') first_name.set_value(contact.given_name) try: contact_info['phone_number'] = list(contact.phone_numbers.values())[0][0] contact_info['phone_type'] = list(contact.phone_numbers)[0] phone_number.set_value(list(contact.phone_numbers.values())[0][0]) except Exception as e: contact_info['phone_number'] = '123' contact_info['phone_type'] = 'Mobile' phone_number.set_value('123') print(f'{e}') contact_info['given_name'] = contact.given_name last_name.set_value(contact.surname) contact_info['surname'] = contact.surname company_name.set_value(contact.company_name) contact_info['company_name'] = contact.company_name job_title.set_value(contact.job_title) contact_info['job_title'] = contact.job_title try: contact_info['address_type'] = list(contact.physical_addresses.values())[0][0]["type"] except Exception as e: print(f'{e}') contact_info['address_type'] = "" try: email.set_value(list(contact.emails.values())[0][0]) contact_info['email'] = list(contact.emails.values())[0][0] contact_info['email_type'] = list(contact.emails.keys())[0] except Exception as e: email.set_value("") contact_info['email'] = '' contact_info['email_type'] = '' print(f'{e}') try: country.set_value(list(contact.physical_addresses.values())[0][0]["country"]) contact_info['country'] = list(contact.physical_addresses.values())[0][0]["country"] except Exception as e: country.set_value("") contact_info['country'] = '' print(f'{e}') try: address.set_value(list(contact.physical_addresses.values())[0][0]["street_address"]) contact_info['street_address'] = list(contact.physical_addresses.values())[0][0]["street_address"] except Exception as e: address.set_value("") contact_info['street_address'] = '' print(f'{e}') try: city.set_value(list(contact.physical_addresses.values())[0][0]["city"]) contact_info['city'] = list(contact.physical_addresses.values())[0][0]["city"] except Exception as e: city.set_value("") contact_info['city'] = '' print(f'{e}') try: state.set_value(list(contact.physical_addresses.values())[0][0]["state"]) contact_info['state'] = list(contact.physical_addresses.values())[0][0]["state"] except Exception as e: state.set_value("") contact_info['state'] = '' print(f'{e}') try: postal_code.set_value(list(contact.physical_addresses.values())[0][0]["postal_code"]) contact_info['postal_code'] = list(contact.physical_addresses.values())[0][0]["postal_code"] except Exception as e: postal_code.set_value("") contact_info['postal_code'] = '' print(f'{e}') # Grab the first 5 contacts from the specified group contacts = nylas.contacts.where(source = 'address_book', limit = 5, group = "517v55haghlcvnuu7lcm4f7k8") # Loop all contacts and get the Id and Full Name for contact in contacts: contact_list.append({'id': contact.id ,'full_name' : contact.given_name + " " + contact.surname})
Finally, the UI building part:
# Build the UI with ui.row(): with ui.column(): # Define the table as an AG Grid grid = ui.aggrid({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Id', 'field': 'id', 'hide': True}, {'headerName': 'Contact Name', 'field': 'full_name', 'checkboxSelection': True}, ], 'rowData': contact_list, 'rowSelection': 'simple', }).classes('h-45 w-80') # When we select a contact and press "Update" async def output_selected_row(): row = await grid.get_selected_row() if row: fill_contact_details(row['id']) else: pass # The update button ui.button('Update', on_click=output_selected_row) # Form to display the updatable fields with ui.column(): profile_pic = ui.image() first_name = ui.input(label='First Name', placeholder='First Name', on_change = lambda e: update_field('given_name', e.value)) last_name = ui.input(label='Last Name', placeholder='Surname', on_change = lambda e: update_field('surname', e.value)) company_name = ui.input(label='Company Name', placeholder='Company Name', on_change = lambda e: update_field('company_name', e.value)) job_title = ui.input(label='Job Title', placeholder='Job Title', on_change = lambda e: update_field('job_title', e.value)) email = ui.input(label='Email', placeholder='Email', on_change = lambda e: update_field('email', e.value)) phone_number = ui.input(label='Phone Number', placeholder='Phone Number', on_change = lambda e: update_field('phone_number', e.value)) country = ui.input(label='Country', placeholder='Country', on_change = lambda e: update_field('country', e.value)) address = ui.input(label='Address', placeholder='Address', on_change = lambda e: update_field('street_address', e.value)) city = ui.input(label='City', placeholder='City', on_change = lambda e: update_field('city', e.value)) state = ui.input(label='State', placeholder='State', on_change = lambda e: update_field('state', e.value)) postal_code = ui.input(label='Postal Code', placeholder='Postal Code', on_change = lambda e: update_field('postal_code', e.value)) # Submit button ui.button('Submit', on_click=update_contact) # Run our application ui.run(title = 'NiceGUI Contacts')
In order to run our application, we just need to type the following on the terminal window:
$ python nicegui_contacts.py
Our application will be running on port 8080 of localhost and of, and we don’t even need to open our favourite browser, as it will be open automagically.
If you want to learn more about our Contacts APIs, please go to our documentation Contacts API Overview.
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